Saturday, June 14, 2014

What I Learned as a Photographer

It has been a long road, with more still to come. I sit here and can only think of the accomplishments I have made and the milestones to still overcome. If there is any advice I can give any newbie in this field, it would be this:
  1. SHOOT EVERYTHING: Sounds pretty simple, trust me I know. But art is everywhere. I could not tell you how many times I shot something I thought was pretty lame only to find that the shot was actually pretty good.
  2. FIND YOUR NICHE: With all the styles and types of photography out there, find one you love doing. Me personally, I enjoy maternity and newborn photography. Yet, when I am now shooting for anyone, I love black and white. I feel a black and white (sometimes sepia) tells more than a regular picture.
  3. BIGGER IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER: And what I mean by this is that you don’t always need the newest/latest camera or equipment. I myself shoot with a 60D and mainly use the kit lens (18-135mm) as my go to all around lens. If you do end up buying an entry level camera though, I personally recommend the T3i and whatever the Nikon equivalent would be.
  4. DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANOTHER: Shoot your way, your style. Don’t let another’s work discourage you.

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